Sunday, March 28, 2010

Real Estate Newbies - A Simple Way to Start Real Estate Investing Without Money Down

The popular notion that it is imperative to invest a great deal of money in order to make profits in real estate business is simply not true. The same goes for a credit or financing facility. There are many ways which can be applied for making real money in real estate business without investing your own money. The idea that I am going to put into words below is not an on-time quick-rich formula. It's a genuine real estate activity. One, which can be adapted as a career. The idea is called bird-dogging.

Bird-Dogging defined

Bird-dogging simply means locating and selling a property to a potential customer. The bird-dog finds a suitable property, locates its owner and convinces him to sell. If the owner agrees to sell, the bird-dog finds an investor who is ready to buy that particular property. The investor buys the property and pays a certain amount to the bird-dog for the services rendered by him. The bird-dog does not need to invest a single penny of his own in the whole transaction. Yet he gets away with a hefty sum.

How to become a bird-dog

The first step in this regard is to find an investor who enjoys good reputation and with whom you will feel comfortable. You can also seek a company that specializes in buying and selling properties.
Ask the investor or the company to register you with them. They will usually assign you a certain area to work in. It is your job to look out for suitable properties in that area and make contact with the owner, and then inform the company or the investor about that property.

What do you need to become a successful bird dog?

There are many attributes that are necessary for you to become a successful bird-dog. Fortunately, you don't have to be born with them. A little time and effort is needed to cultivate such properties. Some of them are noted below.

A knack for properties

You must train yourself to be on the constant look-out for available properties. You must keep your eyes open all the time even when you are driving in the neighborhood or going to the gym.

Moving in the right circle

If you want to be a bird-dog, you must move in the right circle. Your acquaintances must belong to the real estate community so that whenever a particular piece of property or an opportunity arrives; you are first one to hear about it.

Impeccable interpersonal skills

This is the key to success. The bird-dog is like a double agent. He has to convince the owner that the deal he is offering is good enough for him. At the same time he must convince his investor or principal that the deal is good for them too. The activity needs a cutting edge sharpness of mind and impeccable negotiating skills. Fortunately, this is something that you can achieve after spending some time in the field.

If you would like more information on this topic or to learn more real estate investing tips, ideals or "real world" investing strategies please go to my blog at

Mike Lautensack is a full-time real estate entrepreneur, coach and mentor in Philadelphia, PA and creator of the Private Lending Presentation Kit. This powerful done-for-you kit is loaded with tools and techniques to attract and develop a consistent stream of private investors into your real estate business. To learn more about this kit and receive your FREE eBook go to Real Estate Investing Blog.

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  1. Well, it’s amazing. The miracle has been done. Hat’s off. Well done, as we know that “hard work always pays off”, after a long struggle with sincere effort it’s done.
    david wilson
    PLR Articles

  2. Bird-dogging sounds like the ideal way for the NOOB investor to get his/her foot in the door, while building the some much needed investment capital for investments of their own.
