Sunday, March 7, 2010

So You Need Money For Real Estate Investments - Here is How to Use Private Lenders For Money!

If you have tried to get a traditional mortgage, or even a hard money loan, to finance your real estate investments you know how hard it is to get loans in today's post-credit bubble market. It is even harder to get "no money down" loans for your real estate investing business. If you are using traditional mortgage or hard money loans they can take two or three months to close. The problem you will quickly discover is that sellers are not willing to wait that long and get angry at having to continuously extend their contracts or wait for your loan approval.

Banks and mortgage lenders view mortgage loans to real estate investors as a higher risk than loans to home owners. They believe if the home owner is not living in the property and if trouble hits an investor will opt to pay their own home mortgage first and only pay for the investment loan if they can afford to make the payments. This puts the bank in a very poor position. As a result, most banks are looking for real estate investors to put up 30% to 50% down payment to protect their interest in time of trouble. VERY few investors have this kind of cash so it is very difficult or impossible to do deals with traditional mortgage or hard money loans.

Real estate investors still are not advised to use their own money to do their deals. Even if you have 30-50% saved for a down payment on your investment property, most real estate guru's warn, NEVER spend your own money on real estate investments. Most beginners start their investment career saving up for a down payment, but the fact is, serious real estate investors do not use their own money to do real estate deals.

So how do you buy real estate investments if it is so hard to get a loan and you do not want me to use my money to apply to a down payment?

Buying real estate without using your own money IS possible, and it's not difficult. With the right kind of deal, investment property can be purchased without a single penny of your own money.

Enter the world of Private Lenders... Private lenders are individuals with money to lend for investment purposes. They may or may not be wealthy, but they do have excess cash or assets available over and above what they need to live on. These individuals are willing to lend for a higher return than they can get with bank CD's or money markets. There are no limits on the number of private lenders you can have or the number of real estate deals you can do using private money.

If you would like more information on this topic or to learn more real estate investing tips, ideals or "real world" investing strategies please go to my blog at

Mike Lautensack is a full-time real estate entrepreneur, coach and mentor in Philadelphia, PA and creator of the Private Lending Presentation Kit. This powerful done-for-you kit is loaded with tools and techniques to attract and develop a consistent stream of private investors into your real estate business. To learn more about this kit and receive your FREE eBook go to Real Estate Investing Blog.

Have you ever thought that with a little help from a experienced coach might help your real estate investing business take off? Consider a mini-coaching session by going to

1 comment:

  1. I certainly did not used to know that much about the real estate investments and was about to invest my down payment in this business but after reading this article i have to think twice before i do it.
