Thursday, December 3, 2009

Discover How to Use Post-It Notes to Get Sellers Calling in Droves

As we talked about, post-it notes come in two sizes - large and small. They are different style templates. One is landscape and one is portrait, so you get a sample of both.

Importance of the Headline

The headline is "Attention Homeowner." It's got a big notice going the opposite way. Again, that's the FedEx and UPS concept. I don't have the word FedEx or UPS on here. We're not going to get in trouble with those organizations. If you look at this from afar I guarantee that's the first thing you're going to think that you've got a FedEx package.

The headline says, "Our Company is seeking to purchase several homes in your neighborhood..." That leads them on to read. "Are you looking to sell soon? Your home has been identified as a good candidate for our real estate buying needs.

Why the Seller Should Work With You

"When we become your buyer we can buy your house as-is for a fair price on the date of your choice. There are no commissions to pay. You'll get immediate debt relief. You'll get fast cash and a hassle free sale. You're putting your house on the market without fixing it up. We're professional home buyers. We're not listing with an agent. We can work with existing loans and we have private funds that require no bank financing. This allows us to offer you a quick and easy sale."

How to Get a Response

Then you are into the response mechanism. "If you would like to listen to a 24 hour recorded message, here's the number to call." Guys, the very first call we want is into pre-recorded voicemail, so you should have that. They can choose to go to my website and get a free special report, and that can talk about some of the special benefits. That's one of the post-it notes.

The other one is more of a bullet point style instead of paragraph style. It has "We buy houses fast, all cash, as is, if you need to sell quickly, behind on payments, facing foreclosure, divorce." It gives a series of bullet points and then, "You can get more details at..." and your phone number there and a website.


What you would do once you've picked a printer and have changed these around, you would upload these to your printer. Different printers have different ways, but there should be a way to upload these onto the printer site. Be sure you've proofed it and made sure it's right, fits, and all that.

Typically at some point they will ask you to initial a proof and then you would order your 20,000, 25,000, or 50,000 post-it notes. They'll come to you a few days later in a box with packets of 50 to 100 post-it notes per pack.

Once you've got them, you can start thinking about distribution. You don't have to distribute them all immediately. You can do them in segments. You can do 1,000 a week. Have one or two kids go out and distribute them at 1,000 per week.

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Mike Lautensack is a full-time real estate entrepreneur, coach and mentor in Philadelphia, PA and creator of the Private Lending Presentation Kit. This powerful done-for-you kit is loaded with tools and techniques to attract and develop a consistent stream of private investors into your real estate business. To learn more about this kit and receive your FREE eBook go to Real Estate Investing Blog

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